Monthly Archives: October 2009

Consumer Spending Falls In September, Biggest Drop In Nine Months

IMG_0017By Martin Crutsinger – Huffington Post

WASHINGTON — Consumer spending plunged in September by the largest amount in nine months, reflecting the end of the government’s Cash for Clunkers auto sales program. Incomes, the fuel for future spending, were flat.

While the government reported that the overall economy grew in the July-September period, signaling the end of the worst recession in seven decades, the weakness in spending and incomes as the quarter ended underscores the fragility of the recovery.

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Mark of shame for Texta-mask burglars | ninemsn

Another ad for a college education

Two accused burglars in the US who covered their faces with permanent marker as a disguise were arrested soon after an apartment robbery with their faces still blackened.

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Recovery Task Force Announces $156 Million in Recovery Act Funds Now Available for Energy Efficiency and Solar Projects

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Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s California Recovery Task Force today announced that more than $156 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) funds are now available for application for energy efficiency and solar projects in California. A package of options under the State Energy Program (SEP) and the Energy Efficient and Conservation Block Grants (EECBG) Program offer local jurisdictions, non-profits and private organizations the opportunity to invest in energy efficiency and photovoltaic energy projects – while helping to stimulate their local economies. Governor Schwarzenegger announced that California was the first state in the nation to apply federally for SEP funding available under the Recovery Act.

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Brain Wave Zero | Peter Mehit

"Last time. Wha set you roll wid?"

"Last time. Wha set you roll wid?"

Marketing, as it has been taught for the last couple of decades, involves identifying prospects by their preferences, demographics, and psychographics along with a host of other factors to try to craft the perfect message to reach them. The prospects are split off from their homogenous groups into market segments to be carpet bombed with logos, ad copy, videos, offers, coupons, radio and television ads with the fervent hope they will purchase something from us.

If there is one lesson from the rise of social networking, it’s that people don’t care about brands anymore, they are brands. They sell to us as much as we sell to them.
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SBA Raises Limits, Guarantees | SBA

HankThe Small Business Administration has raised the limits for 504 and 7a programs, along with relaxing some requirements. Since the SBA doesn’t actually make the loans (banks do) and doesn’t have to service them or carry them on their books (banks do), it remains to be seen if this will launch a renaissance in small business lending or is just another feel good photo op.

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10 Things Corporations Can Learn from Pro Wrestling | Fast Company

I’ve found wrestling often acts as a carnival mirror to our culture, stretching and magnifying the underlying fears, prejudices and tension points amongst us. However, I think wrestling provides all sorts of learning that corporate America should pay attention to as well.

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Accidental Entrepreneur |

Ashley Qualls is an accidental entrepreneur. Her website,, which she set up in 2004, was created mainly as a way to share her custom templates with friends and family.

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Fallingwater Opens Its Doors to Guests (GALLERY) |

Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater home is iconic and it is now opening its doors to overnight guests (sort of).

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How to Milk an Almond (fresh homemade almond milk, easy) |

Fresh raw almond milk is delicious, healthy, unprocessed, and economical. There is no waste, no unrecyclable plastic-lined tetra-pak boxes or cartons to put in landfills and drink BPA out of, and this tastes much, much better than storebought.

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Brand Makeovers: 3 Lessons in Reinvention – Reinventing Your Brand |

FireShot capture #117 - 'jack_portrait_web_jpg (JPEG Image, 300x389 pixels)' - fastfood_freedomblogging_com_files_2008_06_jack_portrait_web_jpg“You need a brand makeover when the marketplace tells you so directly: Sales are slowing and market share is shrinking,” Adamson says. “But it’s often too late to change things when they are really off. You have to catch it just at the tipping point when things are going great, but the increases are diminishing and momentum is giving out.”

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