Monthly Archives: February 2010

Students Launch Protest of AT&T Coverage | PCWorld

College students have long been known to protest against war, racism and other social maladies. But now students at Santa Clara University are taking aim at what they see as a new form of injustice: allegedly poor cell phone reception.

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How Does the Bloom Box Energy Server Work? | Fast Company

Produce your own energy with out solar!

Bloom hopes that a scaled-down version device can be used in homes. A residential Bloom Box would produce 1 kW of power and cost approximately $3,000.

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On the Road – Signs of a Rebound in Business Aviation |

Check list for fat cats:

Get TARP money

Invest in more junk investments

Make a ton of money

Pay back TARP

Stop flying with those nasty unwashed masses.

Gingerly, some business travelers are venturing back into private aircraft after the battered economy — and a public outcry against that perk of fat cats, the corporate jet — walloped the general aviation industry starting in 2008.

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My Generation | Peter Mehit

I love watching people who enjoy publicly subsidized medical care and prescription drug benefits stand on street corners with signs warning of a socialist takeover of health care.

Given how long it took the Tea Partiers to realize their first name choice, ‘Tea Baggers’, actually described a sexual practice, there is probably little hope they will grasp how ironic they are.  These individuals are the number one enemies of health care reform. The baby boomers. They’re retired (or about to be), they’ve got steady income and a great health plan. They’ve got theirs and you’re not going to mess with it.
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The Rosetta Project | Preserving Our Knowledge for Tomorrow

We are at, arguably, the zenith of the human experience. On every front of  art or science, both practical and theoretical knowledge built on thousands of years of human observation has accumulated into massive amounts of information stored electronically, magnetically or optically. Unlike the ancients who preserved their most valuable observations in stone, stable for thousands of years, or in books, which last hundreds, our information is stored in technology such as hard disk drives, compact disks or magnetic tape with typical lives of around 10, 15 and twenty years. In the event of a breakdown in society or technology, this information would be lost to future generations. The Rosetta Project is an attempt to develop storage that will last thousands of years while being compact.

Our first prototype of a very long-term archive is The Rosetta Disk – a three inch diameter nickel disk with nearly 14,000 pages of information microscopically etched onto its surface. Since each page is an image, rather than a digital encoding of 1’s and 0’s, it can be read by the human eye using 500 power optical magnification. The disk rests in a sphere made of stainless steel and glass which allows the disk exposure to the atmosphere, but protects it from casual impact and abrasion. With minimal care, it could easily last and be legible for thousands of years.

Learn About The Rosetta Project.

School used student laptop webcams to spy on them at school and home | Boing Boing

..the laptops issued to high-school students in the well-heeled Philly suburb have webcams that can be covertly activated by the schools’ administrators, who have used this facility to spy on students and even their families. The issue came to light when the Robbins’s child was disciplined for “improper behavior in his home” and the Vice Principal used a photo taken by the webcam as evidence.

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Got Good Credit Score? Prepare for High-End Google Ads

Users with good FICO scores might soon start seeing ads for more expensive luxury goods and services than those with lower scores, as Google has started to experiment with targeting ads based on users’ credit score.

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Moderate in Poo Over Immigrant Statement | The Local

I do not think that immigrants should only clean up poo.

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John Thain Makes Bold Promise He Most Likely Can’t Keep | Dealbreaker

This is poetic justice.

John Thain (not in photo) is the former CEO of Merrill Lynch who famously spent millions of dollars redecorating his offices while the firm went down in flames. At left is the office he has sworn not to alter at his new job at CIT Group.

For a man who spent $87,000 on a rug and $1,000 a yard for drapes, this is perfect.

The cardboard cutout in the photo will presumably be removed.


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Nike Launches GreenXchange for Corporate Idea-Sharing | Fast Company

GreenXchange, a Web-based marketplace that Nike claims will allow “companies [to] collaborate and share intellectual property (IP) which can lead to new sustainability business models and innovation.” In other words, it’s a giant think tank for corporate sustainability.

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