Tag Archives: referrals

Try These 10 Things to Get More Business Sales Leads | Business

Many successful companies depend on adding to their customer base to grow their business. One key way to accomplish this goal is to ensure that companies receive a regular stream of sales leads. Here’s what you can do to generate leads for your business.

What is a sales lead?

A sales lead is a person or business that could purchase your company’s goods or services. A lead becomes a prospect once you’ve identified their level of interest and fit as a customer for your business. You can use different methods to identify sales leads, including advertising and marketing, cold calling, social media, referrals, outreach and networking, consultations, and product/service trials. Inbound marketing methods can help your business create a steady stream of inbound sales leads. Use the following lead generation strategies to generate sales leads for your business.

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How to Generate More Sales Leads for Your Business | business.com

To increase sales to your business, generating more sales leads is key. Here’s how to drum up more sales leads for your business.

Many successful companies depend on adding to their customer base to grow their business. One key way to accomplish this goal is to ensure that companies receive a regular stream of sales leads. Here’s what you can do to generate leads for your business.

The importance of sales leads

A sales lead is a person or business that could purchase your company’s goods or services. A lead becomes a prospect once you’ve identified their level of interest and fit as a customer for your business. You can use different methods to identify sales leads, including advertising and marketing, cold calling, social media, referrals, outreach and networking, consultations, and product/service trials.

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Create a Referral Engine That Works Every Day in Your Business | Duct Tape Marketing

I’ve written about this topic many times, but it just never get’s old! (Check out the referral marketing archive on Duct Tape Marketing) The fact is, although I’ve been writing about the idea of referral generation for years, it always remains relevant, no matter what marketing trends and technologies come and go.

Getting referrals can often seem like a daunting task for marketers, but it doesn’t have to be. I’ve put together a list of recommendations you can use to teach your clients how to build referrals (not to mention teach yourself a thing or two).

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Why You Should Be Asking Your Customers for Referrals | All Business

I have said this time and time again: you must ask for referrals if you want to grow your business. Referrals can contribute to a larger percentage of your revenue if done correctly. In fact, approximately 50 percent of my revenue is generated from referrals. Without them, I would be stuck putting in countless hours online trying to drum up fresh leads.

Referrals are easier to generate than you may think. The hardest part is getting up the courage to ask. Some people think they will offend customers by asking for more business. In reality, your customers will be more than happy to send people your way if they are satisfied with your work. As such, it is important that you develop a good relationship with your clients and develop a plan to seek referral business from each and every one of them.

If you are not yet sold on asking for referral business, here are a few facts that will hopefully convince you:

Referrals don’t cost anything.

People always know someone who can benefit from your services.

Your customers are better at marketing than you.

Referrals can lead to more referrals.

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Business Referrals — You’re Doing It Wrong! | AllBusiness

Would you like to get more new customers without spending a dime? Business referrals are a great way to increase your business’s customer base while developing long-term business relationships that will have a positive impact on your bottom line.

In this episode of “The Little Big Show,” small business expert Denise O’Berry shares three simple steps you must take to get better business referrals today.

How to Get Better Business Referrals in Three Easy Steps

See Video.