Tag Archives: exercise

6 Ways to Find Fitness Motivation | Life Hack

Are you struggling to find the motivation to stick to a workout routine? Well, you’re not alone, whether you’re drained from a job, exhausted with a newborn, intimidated to start or outright lazy, the truth is motivation is easily lost when life gets tough or you don’t work at it on a regular basis. How many new year’s resolutions did you break every February after promising yourself to stick to an exercise plan? Well, many reasons can account for breaking your promises to yourself and you’re going to find out 6 ways to find the fitness motivation you need to get you back on track.

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Exercise Can’t Save Us: Our Sugar Intake Is The Real Culprit, Say Experts | Forbes

In a fascinating and scorching editorial in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, three authors argue that the myth that exercise is the key to weight loss – and to health – is erroneous and pervasive, and that it must end. The evidence that diet matters more than exercise is now overwhelming, they write, and has got to be heeded: We can exercise to the moon and back but still be fat for all the sugar and carbs we consume. And perhaps even more jarring is that we can be a normal weight and exercise, and still be unhealthy if we’re eating poorly. So, they say, we need a basic reboot of our understanding of health, which has to involve the food industry’s powerful PR “machinery,” since that was part of the problem to begin with.

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Study claims e-bikes get you just as fit as non-electrics | New Atlas

Two years ago, we heard about a study which indicated that even though e-bikes require less rider effort to travel at a given speed, they’re still a decent source of exercise. Now, a new study suggests that they’re just as good as regular bikes at improving fitness – at least when it comes to overweight riders.

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Eating After Workouts: The Science of Timing Meals and Exercise | Live Science

When it comes to fuel a workout, there’s a common pitfall: Eating too much to compensate. But not eating enough to fuel those squats or spin classes can also backfire.

So what’s the best way to eat to ensure you make the most of your workout? It turns out, setting up the body for the best recovery and muscle repair is a matter of timing.

Although exercising is no excuse to pig out, skipping meals after a workout can also be counterproductive, said Melinda Manore, an exercise scientist at Oregon State University and a former member of the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition (PCFSN) Science Board, who has done extensive research on nutrition, metabolism and exercise.

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Can’t Manage A Standing Desk? Meet Cubii, The Sitting Exerciser | TechCrunch

photo-mainSitting down — and the sedentary lifestyle it encourages — is killing you, slowly but surely. The problem is, standing desks aren’t for everyone. Making the switch is a big deal. I love mine but it took a week of pain and suffering to go from seat to feet, and it still feels pretty tough on calves and soles after a full day-long standing stretch.

So here’s a third way: Cubii is a sitting exerciser that’s been designed to fit under an office desk so those who are stuck in their office chairs can push its pedals while they work and get some exercise, rather than being entirely sedentary.

The Cubii is a pretty simple elliptical trainer but the design has been tweaked so the trajectory of the pedals keeps the user’s knees low enough not to bang the underside of the desk.

It also includes a Bluetooth radio and there’s a companion app — so your underdesk mileage can be quantified. Top marks for tapping the zeitgeist there, Cubii.

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NASA Treadmill Makes Exercise Easy|Trendhunter.com

Forbes reports “Alter-G G-Trainer’s unique treadmill system allows people to train and recover by reducing their effective body weight via positive air pressure.

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