Tag Archives: work-life balance

Managing Stress As a Business Owner | Business News Daily

  • Stress can have negative effects emotionally, mentally and physically, and failure to manage it as a business owner can even have detrimental consequences to your company.
  • You can manage stress by maintaining a stable work-life balance and implementing best business practices.
  • With stress management tools in place, your business will benefit from fewer sick days, higher productivity and lower turnover.
  • This article is for small business owners looking to better manage the stress of entrepreneurship.

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Why Downtime and Work-Life Balance Are Critical for StartUp Success | The Startup Magazine

What Is Down-Time and the Work-Life Balance?

The work-life balance equation is all about having a balanced approach to work and play – in other words, working hard and playing hard. The constant hustle that we have all become accustomed to is simply not good for our long-term mental health and well-being. The increase in startup failure caused by owner burnout has become more common than ever and, as such, the importance of downtime relaxation is more often than not cited as the solution. Understanding this is the first step that should be followed by determining how much time you intend to put aside for yourself and then choosing what you intend to do.

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Workers are Seeking or Planning to Seek New Jobs | business.com

Higher pay, better benefits, or improved work environment could entice 88 percent of these job seekers to stay with their current company

Public health crises past and present have caused labor shortages that ripped out and reworked the fabric of society. The Great Plague liberated serfs, the Spanish Flu brought women to the workplace, and COVID-19 is empowering modern employees to redefine work-life balance and find roles that fit their lifestyles.

In upending the economy, the coronavirus also reshaped views of the workforce. Hourly earners were finally seen as essential and many office workers logged in from home, while government assistance allowed millions to reconsider their employment status. Many workers delayed their returns to the office or quit their jobs to seek more favorable terms as part of The Great Resignation.

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Working Overtime Won’t Make You More Productive | businessnewsdaily.com

Working overtime rarely correlates to more productivity. Here’s a breakdown of the most recent data – and tips for achieving a proper work-life balance.

  • Research has consistently found that countries, where working overtime is common, don’t necessarily achieve higher productivity rates per employee per hour.
  • According to 2021 reports, the U.S. ranks 11th in terms of productivity per employee per hour.
  • A healthy work-life balance can enhance productivity, and many household-name companies and smaller businesses offer creative work schedules.
  • This article is for business owners and managers interested in boosting productivity without mandating overtime.

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5 Tips for Improving Your Work-Life Balance | Getentrepreneurial.com

Work-life balance is the one thing that most of us crave, but few of us really attain. This doesn’t mean it’s not worth pursuing, but in today’s busy, work-focused world, it can be hard to separate time for yourself and your family. Fortunately, we have a few ways to help you inch closer to a healthy, viable work-life balance!

Allow Free Time in Your Schedule

Many people just assume that free time happens naturally once they clock out from work. While this may be true for some, it’s not true for most people. As soon as you get home from work (even if you work from home), you’re likely bombarded with chores, family obligations, and a long personal to-do list. Therefore, it’s vital that you set aside real free time in your schedule. Even if it’s just one or two hours a week, it is a great way to actually recharge your batteries. During this time, you don’t need to feel obligated to do anything but relax and enjoy yourself!

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Are Workers’ Perks Good for Productivity, or a Flashy Waste of Money? Two Experts Weigh in | Inc.com

Axe-throwing classes. Onsite barbershops. Free gym memberships and catered lunches. Do they bond workers to a company and boost productivity, or do they blow resources in a very colorful way? To find out, Inc. called on two noted thinkers on the topic, who espouse thought-provoking–and vastly different–answers to the question.

What explains the rise of perk culture?

Jody Thompson: We like to see people in the workplace, so we provide amenities and spend money on making the office nicer. But work isn’t somewhere you go. It’s something you do.

Phil Libin: There’s a tendency for tech companies and startups to look at all aspects of work-life balance, and create programs that increase productivity and retention.

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