Tag Archives: government spending

Why Obama’s 2016 Budget Has Small-Business Boost Written All Over It | Inc.com

barack-obama-2015_49422President Obama is set to send his 2016 budget proposal to the newly Republican-led Congress as early as Monday, and news of what’s in it has already begun to emerge–namely, plans for spending increases.

While small businesses could expect a slight economic boost from more government spending, experts say, the budget debate is likely to be weighed down by intense partisan rancor that may offset any potential gain. Among other events, there’s a threat of more skirmishes over the debt ceiling and another government shutdown.

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Californians willing to pay for infrastructure improvements | California Economy, California Economic Summit

A whopping 80 percent of survey respondents expressed a willingness to pay at least something to better maintain and improve California’s infrastructure, including paying increased gas and property taxes. Where respondents varied was on how much and by what method everyone should pay. 21 percent of survey takers felt tying who pays to who uses the infrastructure would be the most fair.

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Dale Earnhardt Jr. has an offer for bill-backing Republican – USATODAY.com

Creech said that in fiscal year 2012, the National Guard has been contacted by more than 24,800 individuals interested in joining because of the racing sponsorship. Of those, Creech said that 20 were qualified candidates and that none joined.

YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK: That means a $26MM sponsorship had a $1.3MM per recruit cost. Way to go! – Ed.

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Fourth Quarter 2010 Economic Report Card | Nancy D. Sidhu

According to “advance” estimates of the Bureau of Economic Analysis released last week, the U.S. economy grew by +3.2% last quarter (seasonally adjusted annual rate or SAAR).  This marked the sixth consecutive quarterly increase since the recession ended in mid 2009.  Furthermore, the level of economic activity has finally overtaken that recorded in the last quarter of 2007 (the recession officially began in December 2007).

Progress was evident in many sectors of the economy during the fourth quarter:

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External Affairs Newsletter | Office of the Governator

Put on your anti-spin boots and read this latest missive from the Governor that cares, Ahrnold.

January 2010
Welcome to Governor Schwarzenegger’s Office of External Affairs January 2010 
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Cartels Face an Economic Battle | washingtonpost.com

If anyone needs an argument about why marijuana should be legalized, this would be it.

The shifting economics of the marijuana trade have broad implications for Mexico’s war against the drug cartels, suggesting that market forces, as much as law enforcement, can extract a heavy price from criminal organizations that have used the spectacular profits generated by pot sales to fuel the violence and corruption that plague the Mexican state.

Anyone who says they believe in ‘free markets’ should be for the immediate repeal of  the marijuana ban. The free market will eliminate the drug underworld because ultimately, it’s less competitive. Billions can be used in more productive ways. We will have a new green industry for America (and these are jobs Americans would do). And finally Hershey, Coke and Taco Bell would see huge increases in revenue. Win-Win-Win-Win.

Ending the War on Drugs itself would reduce state and federal expenses government expenses by $50 billion dollars a year, almost enough to bail out a bank. We have spent over a trillion dollars, if you count back to 1971, when this all began. With that money, we created an organized crime machine more diverse and powerful than the Mafia, which was also created by a prohibition.

The War on Drugs should really be called the ’50 Years War On Drugs’ or ‘The Industry Against Drugs We Can’t Make Money On’. Or maybe it’s really the War on Drugs because everybody involved in it are taking drugs; Oxycontin, Viccodin, Viagra, Ambien….zzzzzzz….

William F. Buckley, a thought leader in the U.S. conservative movement believed all drugs should be legal on both libertarian and fiscal grounds. Come on all you free marketeers and fiscal conservatives. We’re wasting time and money when we should just be wasted.

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