Monthly Archives: September 2023

5 Digital Transformation Challenges and How to Overcome Them |

At this point, most small business owners know that digital transformation is necessary for their businesses to survive in today’s continuously disruptive times. And yet, according to David Rogers, a professor at Columbia University and the author of The Digital Transformation Roadmap (available in September), 70% of digital transformation efforts fail. He says that’s because “companies view these efforts as technology problems rather than the organizational challenges they truly are.”

But entrepreneurs can’t let those dreary stats stop them. And don’t assume that failure is a given for your small business.

Rogers says, “The imperative of digital transformation is less understood among small businesses. Some owners have started efforts, while others may not even be sure exactly what digital transformation means.”

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Behind-the-Scenes Social Media Content Can Build Your Brand |

I was chatting with a lead on Instagram the other day when she said something that struck me as . . . interesting. She said she didn’t want to show too much of herself in her business. For context, this conversation started when I asked what her name was because it was not included on her Instagram profile. There were also no pictures of her and no posts about why she started her business.

Now, the name thing is a huge pet peeve of mine. I teach all of my clients that it’s important to personalize their messages, and it’s hard to do that if you don’t know a person’s name. So when I messaged her, it was the first thing I asked for.

She told me her name right away, and then apologized saying she wasn’t comfortable sharing a lot of personal information on her profile. We chatted about that a bit further so I could gain a better understanding of her thought process, and by the end of the conversation, I just wanted to say, “It’s okay to be yourself!”

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Google Antitrust Trial: What Small Business Owners Need to Know | Small Business Trends

In what’s being termed as the most significant US antitrust trial in decades, Google’s dominance over internet search is under scrutiny.

This development could bring forth changes that impact every facet of the digital landscape, especially for small business owners who rely on search engines to drive traffic and sales.

Google Antitrust Trial Begins

Search Engine Landscape Might Change

Google’s search engine, which processes billions of queries daily, is at the heart of this lawsuit. Should Google lose the trial, it could reshape how search engine operations function. This could influence where and how businesses advertise and may affect search visibility for many.

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IRS Reminds Small Business Owners Q3 Tax Payments Due by September 15, 2023 | Small Biz Trends

In a timely reminder from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), taxpayers, especially small business owners such as gig workers, sole proprietors, retirees, partners, and S corporation shareholders, are urged to ensure they meet the third quarter tax payment deadline of September 15, 2023.

Who Needs to Make Quarterly Payments?

Primarily, those not undergoing standard withholding need to be vigilant about these quarterly estimated tax payments. The IRS has specified two conditions to determine if you must make these payments:

  1. If you anticipate owing a minimum of $1,000 in taxes for 2023, post all tax credits and withholding deductions.
  2. Your withholdings and tax credits for 2023 are less than either 90% of your expected tax for 2023 or 100% of the tax reported on your complete 2022 return spanning 12 months.

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Starting Your Online Business Is Affordable | Business

Starting an online business can be relatively simple and affordable, but some expenses are necessary. Depending on the type of business you want to start and how and where you would like to set it all up, your startup costs can vary significantly. Let’s take a deep dive into the typical costs associated with starting an online business.

Costs of starting an online business

Business License

To operate a business, you’re required to obtain a business license and/or permit. The cost depends on the type of business license you need and the location of your company, since each state has different fees.

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How to Differentiate Your Product From the Competition |

As a business owner, you need to know how to differentiate yourself from your competitors. Business differentiation is what gives your brand the upper hand; it’s how you distinguish yourself from your rivals in a way that piques interest and keeps customers happy. It’s essential to know how to differentiate yourself from your competitors so that your brand stands out in a positive way from all the rest. If you find a way to distinguish your business from a similar one, you’re already on track for success.

What is product differentiation?

Product differentiation is what makes your items or services unique. This can be because of a particular technology or design you own, specialty support you offer, a stellar customer experience you create or anything else. The goal here is to identify and focus on the aspects of your product or service that make customers want to work with you.

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8 Google Assistant settings you should disable or adjust | Digital Trends

Smart home devices like Google Nest Audio and Google Nest Hub continue to grow more popular every year — but so do privacy concerns about what data they’re collecting and what’s being shared with their manufacturers. It’s highly unlikely these products are tracking everything you say, but users will be glad to hear there are several settings you can adjust to ensure your information is secure. Beyond security, Google Assistant has plenty of other settings for you to tinker around with, allowing you to optimize its performance for your home.

From adjusting its listening sensitivity to offering up vegan recipes, here’s a look at a few Google Assistant settings you should adjust. Most of these changes take no more than a few seconds to complete but could radically improve your smart home experience.

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Microsoft Teams phishing scam dupes workers on vacation time | Digital Trends

Hackers are getting so sophisticated with malware that they are making links look like a notice about company vacation time.

A new phishing scam called “DarkGate Loader” has been uncovered that targets Microsoft Teams. It can be identified with a message and a link that reads “changes to the vacation schedule.” Clicking this link and accessing the corresponding .ZIP files can leave you vulnerable to the malware that is attached.

The research team Truesec has been observing DarkGate Loader since late August and notes that hackers have utilized an intricate downloading process that makes it so the file is difficult to identify as nefarious.

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Effective Business Launch Strategies | The Startup Magazine

Launching a business is a pivotal moment in an entrepreneur’s journey. Beyond the culmination of hard work, it represents the transformation of an idea into a tangible entity. While it’s a moment of pride, it’s also a time of heightened responsibility—ensuring the launch maximizes reach and sets a positive trajectory for the business. This article sheds light on tried-and-true business launch strategies that can elevate the impact of your launch, driving momentum and sustainable growth.

1. Comprehensive Market Research

Before you step into the business arena, you must know the playground:

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Ways To Build Customer Trust In Your Business | The Startup Magazine

As a business, you should do everything in your power to make your customers trust you. Whether you run a healthy food business or a clothing store, customer trust is important as it will ensure customers continue to come back to use your business, which will help you maintain a great reputation and regular sales. If you are unsure of how to maximize customer trust, here are some tips.

Have secure payment methods in place

Having secure payment methods in place will guarantee the safety and protection of your customer’s details, so they never feel worried about their financial information in your possession, which will make them trust you.

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