Tag Archives: phishing scam

Microsoft Teams phishing scam dupes workers on vacation time | Digital Trends

Hackers are getting so sophisticated with malware that they are making links look like a notice about company vacation time.

A new phishing scam called “DarkGate Loader” has been uncovered that targets Microsoft Teams. It can be identified with a message and a link that reads “changes to the vacation schedule.” Clicking this link and accessing the corresponding .ZIP files can leave you vulnerable to the malware that is attached.

The research team Truesec has been observing DarkGate Loader since late August and notes that hackers have utilized an intricate downloading process that makes it so the file is difficult to identify as nefarious.

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Protect Yourself From Common Credit Card Scams | All Business

Credit card fraud is growing over the Internet, email, traditional mail, and telephone. “Phishing” is when scammers send out fraudulent emails asking for your personal information, such as your credit card number or bank account number. Never respond to these—delete them immediately.

In a similar phishing scam, someone may phone you pretending to be your bank, the fraud department of your credit card company, or another organization, and may ask to “verify your information” or “verify you are in possession of your card.” They often ask for your 3-digit verification code on the back of the card or ask for the first 12 digits of your card (they may already have the last 4 digits from a discarded receipt). Reputable companies do not call and ask for this information. If you did not initiate the call, do not give them any information and hang up immediately.

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