Tag Archives: OpenAI

OpenAI and Google’s latest AI announcements make one thing clear: They’re officially rivals. | Mashable

At Google I/O earlier this week, generative AI was unsurprisingly a major focal point.

In fact, Google CEO Sundar Pichai pointed out that “AI” was said 122 times, plus two more times by Pichai as he closed out the event.

The tech giant has injected AI features into seemingly all of its products and services, including Search, Workspace, and creative tools for videos, photos, and music. But arguably the biggest news of the day was how Google’s announcements compared to those from OpenAI. Just a day before Google I/O, OpenAI unveiled GPT-4o, a “natively multimodal” model that can process visuals and audio in real-time, which ostensibly ramped up the burgeoning rivalry.

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OpenAI unveils huge upgrade to ChatGPT that makes it more eerily human than ever | Live Science

A new version of ChatGPT can read facial expressions, mimic human voice patterns and have near real-time conversations, its creators have revealed.

OpenAI demonstrated the upcoming version of the artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot, called GPT-4o, in an apparently real-time presentation on Monday (May 13). The chatbot, which spoke out loud with presenters through a phone, appeared to have an eerie command of human conversation and its subtle emotional cues — switching between robotic and singing voices upon command, adapting to interruptions and visually processing the facial expressions and surroundings of its conversational partners. During the demonstration, the AI voice assistant showcased its skills by completing tasks such as real-time language translation, solving a math equation written on a piece of paper and guiding a blind person around London’s streets.

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This Week in AI: Addressing racism in AI image generators | TechCrunch

Keeping up with an industry as fast-moving as AI is a tall order. So until an AI can do it for you, here’s a handy roundup of recent stories in the world of machine learning, along with notable research and experiments we didn’t cover on their own.

This week in AI, Google paused its AI chatbot Gemini’s ability to generate images of people after a segment of users complained about historical inaccuracies. Told to depict “a Roman legion,” for instance, Gemini would show an anachronistic, cartoonish group of racially diverse foot soldiers while rendering “Zulu warriors” as Black.

It appears that Google — like some other AI vendors, including OpenAI — had implemented clumsy hardcoding under the hood to attempt to “correct” for biases in its model. In response to prompts like “show me images of only women” or “show me images of only men,” Gemini would refuse, asserting such images could “contribute to the exclusion and marginalization of other genders.” Gemini was also loath to generate images of people identified solely by their race — e.g. “white people” or “black people” — out of ostensible concern for “reducing individuals to their physical characteristics.”

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The copyright issues around generative AI aren’t going away anytime soon | TechCrunch

Generative AI has brought a host of copyright issues to the fore. Just this week, authors including George R.R. Martin, led by the Authors Guild, filed a lawsuit against OpenAI, alleging that the startup’s viral AI-powered chatbot, ChatGPT, was trained on their work without their knowledge or consent.

And it’s not just OpenAI that’s having to contend with this. Onstage at Disrupt 2023, Anastasis Germanidis, one of the co-founders of Runway, a company developing generative AI tools for video, said that his company is “still exploring” the right approach to training AI models on artists’ and creators’ works.

“We’re working closely with artists to figure out what the best approaches are to address this,” Germanidis said. “We’re exploring various data partnerships to be able to further grow … and build the next generation of models.”

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OpenAI will host its first developer conference on November 6 | TechCrunch

OpenAI will host a developer conference — its first ever — on November 6, the company announced today.

At the one-day OpenAI DevDay event, which will feature a keynote address and breakout sessions led by members of OpenAI’s technical staff, OpenAI said in a blog post that it’ll preview “new tools and exchange ideas” — but left the rest to the imagination.

News of GPT-5, the presumed name of OpenAI’s next flagship generative AI model, is unlikely — OpenAI CEO Sam Altman confirmed in April that OpenAI wasn’t training GPT-5 and “wouldn’t for some time.” But we might learn more about OpenAI’s plans for Global Illumination, the AI design studio that it acquired in August, and an update on the availability of GPT-4’s image understanding capabilities. (While GPT-4, OpenAI’s current leading model, can technically analyze and interpret images, OpenAI has reportedly been holding the image-processing capabilities back on fears of privacy issues.)

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OpenAI releases Point-E, an AI that generates 3D models | TechCrunch

The next breakthrough to take the AI world by storm might be 3D model generators. This week, OpenAI open sourced Point-E, a machine learning system that creates a 3D object given a text prompt. According to a paper published alongside the code base, Point-E can produce 3D models in one to two minutes on a single Nvidia V100 GPU.

Point-E doesn’t create 3D objects in the traditional sense. Rather, it generates point clouds, or discrete sets of data points in space that represent a 3D shape — hence the cheeky abbreviation. (The “E” in Point-E is short for “efficiency,” because it’s ostensibly faster than previous 3D object generation approaches.) Point clouds are easier to synthesize from a computational standpoint, but they don’t capture an object’s fine-grained shape or texture — a key limitation of Point-E currently.

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