Tag Archives: Asking for a raise

5 Tips for Negotiating a Raise Successfully | Business News Daily

Most people cringe at the thought of asking their boss for a pay raise. If your company doesn’t do regular annual salary increases and you’re not up for a promotion, asking may be the only way to get the raise you know you deserve. You should understand that it is perfectly acceptable to ask for a raise, and most company managers and business owners want to take good care of their employees.

While the process seems intimidating and uncomfortable, it doesn’t have to be, especially if you know your boss and how to ask for a raise. If you do your research and are ready with facts, you will feel more confident initiating the conversation.

Tips for asking for a raise

1. List your accomplishments from the past six months, the past year and your time with the company.

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Freelancers, Here’s How To Negotiate Raises With Clients | Forbes

Asking for a raise is never easy.

Requesting one when you’re a freelancer is downright scary — the client could immediately stop working with you and turn to your less expensive competition.

As I outlined in the first part of this series, how you set your rates should be determined by your expenses, expertise and how you want to spend the one fixed variable in this whole process: your time.

After I outlined the various ways you can use to determine how much to charge a potential client or what rates you’re willing — and unwilling to accept — let’s take a look at how you can increase your fees.

1. Track your time.

Time management expert Laura Vanderkam, who has often provided wonderful advice for my stories, says that you should know how much time your activities take. Having learned this from her while writing an article a while back, I have been following this advice religiously, to my great benefit.

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