Tag Archives: youth injuries

An e-bike executive calls for the industry to get regulation | Fast Company

The global e-bike market is expected to double between 2021-2027 to over $53 billion, a promising benefit to modern cities, personal health, and America’s broader sustainability efforts.

But in tandem with this rapid growth, there’s a slew of safety concerns bubbling to the surface that must be addressed before e-biking as we know it comes to a screeching halt. And no, I’m not just talking about passing helmet laws.

Without clear and consistent regulation, battery fires, youth injuries, and traffic accidents have been among the worst safety incidents. Unfortunately, this hasn’t deterred the handful of fly-by-night companies that continue to cut corners, deceive consumers, and openly market their products to young children, oftentimes under the age of 12. As an executive in this industry, I’m alarmed. As a parent, I’m furious.

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