Tag Archives: Behind-the-Scenes

Behind-the-Scenes Social Media Content Can Build Your Brand | AllBusiness.com

I was chatting with a lead on Instagram the other day when she said something that struck me as . . . interesting. She said she didn’t want to show too much of herself in her business. For context, this conversation started when I asked what her name was because it was not included on her Instagram profile. There were also no pictures of her and no posts about why she started her business.

Now, the name thing is a huge pet peeve of mine. I teach all of my clients that it’s important to personalize their messages, and it’s hard to do that if you don’t know a person’s name. So when I messaged her, it was the first thing I asked for.

She told me her name right away, and then apologized saying she wasn’t comfortable sharing a lot of personal information on her profile. We chatted about that a bit further so I could gain a better understanding of her thought process, and by the end of the conversation, I just wanted to say, “It’s okay to be yourself!”

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